My programme in Dublin Worldcon / Worldcon-ohjelmani Dublinissa 2019

Dublin 2019 Worldcon-programme is out! During the con I will take part in two panels (descriptions below) but will of course be around for the whole weekend.

YA in translation
Format: Panel
15 Aug 2019, Thursday 13:00 – 13:50, Liffey Room-2 (CCD)

What does YA look like in other languages, and other cultures? Does YA have a different structure, definition, or age range in different regions? What are the challenges of translating stories, situations, and even slang between languages? What special challenges might different cultures present, and are YA readers seeking out those differences?

Marianna ”Kisu” Leikomaa, Gili Bar-Hillel (Utz Publishing), Magdalena Hai (M), Taiyo Fujii (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan)

Dark fantasy for children
Format: Panel
18 Aug 2019, Sunday 11:00 – 11:50, Wicklow Hall 2A (Dances) (CCD)

How dark is too dark when it comes to dark fantasy and horror for young readers? Is there an invisible line in the sand? And what stories actually fall into this category: Alice in Wonderland, Coraline, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Goosebumps, A Monster Calls, The Wizards of Once? And why are kids drawn to these stories that make them jump at every bump in the night?

Gili Bar-Hillel (Utz Publishing) (M), Magdalena Hai, Dave Rudden, Holly Black